2023-24 Upcoming area tournaments





For more information, email RedmondSelectGirls@gmail.com


Info: Skyline Select Tip-Off Tournament, State Qualifier Event on November 1-3, 2024

Cost: $400/team

Location: Skyline High School; 1122 228th Ave., Sammamish, WA

Registration: https://tourneymachine.com/R153273

For more information, email president@skylineselect.com

Flyer: Here

Info: Snohomish Hardwood Classic, 5th-8th Boys and Girls

Cost: $350 (one team, $325 for 3+)

Location: Snohomish Area (Snohomish HS & Surrounding)


Tournament Registration | Snohomish Basketball (sbahoops.org)

For more information, visit the Website or email SBAHoopsemail@gmail.com or Sean_Charlton@outlook.com, or call/text Sean @ 206-909-1922

Flyer: Here

Info: Boys and Girls grades 4 through 8.  Gold and Silver divisions.  High school feeder teams only.

Cost: $325 per team

Location: Bothell, Juanita, Kirkland

Registration: Register here

For more information, email info@Hoops4HIM.org

Info: Woodinville Falcon Classic (Boys) Gold and Silver Divisions 4-8th Grade

Cost: $425 (one team, down to $385 for 5+)

Location: Woodinville Area

Registration: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/215736/2024-woodinville-falcon-classic

For more information, visit the Website or email president@woodinvillebasketball.com

Flyer: Here



Registration: Information can be found

For more information, email


Info: State Qualifier Event for First and Second Place teams. Separate Gold and Silver divisions for school feeder teams, 3rd grade thru 8th grade. Boys and Girls Grades 3rd - 8th, D1 (for top club teams) and D2 (for 2nd and 3rd tier club teams).

Cost: $350/Team 4 Game Guarantee

Location: Snoqualmie Valley Schools, Renton HS, Emerald City, Pacific Courts, and Elite

Registration: Information can be found Here

For more information, email boys@mountsiyouthbasketball.com

Flyer: Here




Registration: Information can be found . Link for registration .

For more information, email ColdTurkeyDirector@gmail.com

Info: Boys 4th-8th Grade Gold and Silver Divisions

Cost: $350.00 per team

Location: Juanita High School

Registration: Information can be found Here

For more information, email juanitabasketball@live.com

Flyer: Here




Registration: Information can be found

For more information, email bothellselectbasketball@gmail.com


Info: Boys and Girls grades 3 through 8.  3 Game Guarantee.  6 Athletes Max per Team.

Cost: $175 per team

Location: Cedar Park Christian High School Gym - Bothell, WA

Registration: Register here

For more information, email info@Hoops4HIM.org

2025 Wildcat Classic and King Holiday Hoopfest





Registration: Girls information can be found .Boys information can be found .

For more information, email


WC and KHH

Info: Boys and Girls grades 4 through 8. 4 game guarantee. Saturday & Sunday ONLY. This Tournament is NOT a State Qualifier.  Open to Feeder and AAU teams.

Cost: $325 per team

Location: Bothell, Juanita, Kirkland

Registration: Register here

For more information, email info@Hoops4HIM.org

Info: Boys and Girls grades 4 through 8.  Gold and Silver divisions.  High school feeder teams only.

Cost: $350 per team

Location: Bothell, Juanita, Kirkland

Registration: Register here

For more information, email info@Hoops4HIM.org

Info: Boys 4th-8th Grade Gold and Silver Divisions

Cost: $300.00 per team

Location: Glacier Peak High School

Registration: Information can be found  Meet at the Peak-State Qualifier

For more information, email charlesnagel1067@gmail.com

Flyer: Here

Glacier Peak logo